Reassembly Color Simulator

Home > Projects > Reassembly Stuff > Reassembly Color Simulatorby Rimi  ⬩  ⬩ updated

Instructions: Reassembly’s faction coloring algorithm can be very unpredictable, and this program is designed to help you understand how your parts will be recolored in play. To use this program, click the buttons that say “Faction Color” and set the colors to your faction’s default colors. Then, you can click on the “Player Color” buttons to set the player colors and see how your part colors would be recolored. Colors you put into the color picker above these instructions will be treated as a part color.

Recoloring options:
Recolor main map
Recolor hue bar
Show only primary hue assignments
Show raw distance from Faction Color #1 (Debug option)

Number of faction colors:

Faction Color #1
Faction Color #2
Faction Color #3
Player Color #1
Player Color #2
Player Color #3