Danmakufu .dat Format
The Danmakufu 0.12m file format looks roughly like this. All values are little endian,
and there is no padding. The file data is handled somewhat specially. If the file data begins with
Danmakufu ph3 adds support for directories. Same as with 0.12m, all values are little
endian and there is no padding. The file data is a plain zlib stream if Danmakufu 0.12m .dat archive format
struct thdnh_012m_header {
// Always "PACK_FILE\0"
char magic[10];
// Number of files in the archive.
uint32_t file_count;
// Entries are dynamically sized
thdnh_012m_entry entries[file_count];
struct thdnh_012m_entry {
// Length of the file name
uint32_t name_length;
// File name, encoded as a zero terminated string.
char name[name_length];
// Offset of the file data in the archive
uint32_t file_offset;
// Length of the full file data
uint32_t file_length;
, it is parsed as the following structure. Otherwise, the
whole file is treated as uncompressed data.struct thdnh_012m_compressed {
// Always "COMPRESS_ZIP\0"
char magic[13];
// Size of the uncompressed data.
uint32_t uncompressed_size;
// The file data, compressed with zlib. Fills the rest of the file data.
char data[];
Danmakufu ph3 .dat archive format
struct thdnh_ph3_header {
// Always "ArchiveFile"
char magic[11];
// Number of files in the archive.
uint32_t file_count;
// true if the file list is compressed, false otherwise.
bool is_compressed;
// Compressed size of the file list. Ignored if is_compressed is false.
uint32_t file_list_size;
// If is_compressed is true, a zlib compressed list of thdnh_ph3_file_entrys.
// If is_compressed is false, an uncompressed thdnh_ph3_file_entrys.
char file_list[];
struct thdnh_ph3_file_entry {
// The size of the file entry, *not* including this field.
uint32_t entry_size;
// The length of the directory name in characters.
uint32_t dir_name_length;
// The directory name in UTF-16. Not zero terminated.
wchar_t dir_name[dir_name_length];
// The length of the file name in characters.
uint32_t file_name_length;
// The file name in UTF-16. Not zero terminated.
wchar_t file_name[file_name_length];
// Whether the file data is zlib compressed.
uint32_t is_compressed;
// The uncompressed length of the file.
uint32_t uncompressed_len;
// The compressed length of the file. Ignored if is_compressed is false.
uint32_t compressed_len;
// Offset of the file data in the archive
uint32_t offset;
is true, and a plain
uncompressed stream if it is false.